2025 Judiciary Committee
The Joint Committee on Judiciary has cognizance of all matters relating to (A) the Judicial Department, the Department of Correction and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, (B) courts, judicial procedures, criminal law, probate matters, probation, parole, wills, estates, adoption, divorce, bankruptcy, escheat, law libraries, deeds, mortgages, conveyancing, preservation of land records and other public documents, the law of business organizations, uniform laws, validations, authorizations to sue and to appeal, claims against the state, (C) all (i) judicial nominations, (ii) nominations of workers' compensation commissioners, and (iii) nominations of members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, and (D) all bills carrying civil penalties that exceed the sum of, or that may exceed in the aggregate, five thousand dollars. Any bill favorably reported by another committee that carries a criminal penalty, other than an infraction, shall be referred to the committee, provided the committee's consideration shall be limited to the criminal penalties established in such bill and shall not extend to the other substantive provisions or purposes of such bill.

Senate Ranking Member
House Ranking Member
Senate Democratic Members
House Democratic Members
House Republican Members