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2021 Animal Advocacy Workshop Recordings

Choose which recordings to watch by clicking on the links below.

General Session: Tips for Being an Effective Animal Advocate During a Pandemic

  • Introductions: Jo-Anne Basile, CVA Executive Director

  • Welcome: Jessica Rubin, CVA Board President

  • Lobbying During a Pandemic – Joe Grabarz, CVA Advisory Council

  • Keynote: Representative Dorinda Borer, former House Co-Chair, Joint Committee on the Environment - 2021 Priorities

Breakout Session 1: Local Control of Pet Shops

A discussions with co-sponsors of 2021 legislation to clarify the authority of local jurisdictions regarding the sales of puppy mill dogs, cats, and rabbits in local pet shops.

  • Rep. Raghib Allie-Brennan

  • Rep. Jason Doucette

  • Discussion Leaders: Debora Bresch, ASPCA; Annie Hornish, HSUS

  • Moderator: Kathy Worth, CVA Advisory Council


Breakout Session 2: Circus Bill

A discussion with the co-sponsors of 2021 legislation to prohibit the use of wild and exotic animals in circus acts and other live entertainment.

  • Senator Will Haskell

  • Rep. Ann Hughes

  • Discussion Leaders: Jill Alibrandi, Karen Laski, CVA Board of Directors

Breakout Session 3: Go Fur Free

A discussion with co-sponsors of 2021 legislation to ban the sale of new fur products in the state.

  • Rep. David Michel

  • Discussion Leaders: Amy Mallardi, CVA Advisory Council, Liz Garret, Fur Free CT


Breakout Session 4: Stop a Bear Hunt and Co-Exist with Wildlife

A discussion on efforts to prevent a bear hunt in CT and understanding how to peacefully co-exist with wildlife.

  • Nicole Rivard, Friends of Animal

  • Laura Simon, CT Wildlife Rehabilitators Association

  • Moderator: Jo-Anne Basile 


2021 CVA Advocacy Workshop - Speaker Biographies 


special thanks to the Community Foundation of Eastern CT for its partnership in presenting this workshop.

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PO Box 1012, Bloomfield, CT 06002

Connecticut Votes for Animals is a not-for-profit 501(c)(4) organization.

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